Monday, April 28, 2014

Wedding buy of the week x

Hello fairy bugs and hello Monday!
Let's get straight to it! I don't know about you but here at TFG HQ we love keepsakes, memories, and collecting treasures that remind you of special occasions, activities or just a memory that means something..........and there is no greater time to remember things than your wedding day. Whether you want to keep cards, seating plans, favours, confetti, pressed flowers or even a menu you will require a sacred place to keep those precious items. A wedding memory box is a super idea and as they are traditionally personalized or decorated with a pretty pattern. You could even pick one that could double up as a room accessory so when guests visit you can share the best bits from your wedding day. If your looking for a present for bridesmaids, pageboys and flower girls then this could be just the ticket. To make even more special you could add a note from the Bride and Groom, a few words of thanks or why you chose them to be part of your bridal party.........beautiful notes in a beautiful box! Winner! 
P.s a great tip is to have organza bags to keep more delicate items in. Wrap them in pretty bags to protect them and to make them look super special and organized. 
During our usual scroll on the Web we came across this sstunning wedding box which, is personalized and can even be painted in a chosen colour. Whether you like shabby chic, optic white bridal chic or simply raw and untouched this could be stunning piece for your treasures or even a perfect gift for a special couple you know! 
Found at at £28.95 + P&P this keepsake box would be a welcomed gift. At 32cm (w), 28cm (h), 20cm (h) And made from sustainable pine it's treated, painted and personalized for you! Our favourite colour is the coastal mist, a powdery blue shade very in keeping with our love for pastel tones. Take a peek this could sort your present buying for your next wedding ;)

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